A review by micardila
The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control: A Path to Peace and Power by Katherine Morgan Schafler


This book came at a perfect time for me and resonated deeply. Each example for types of perfectionist I identified as was like seeing myself. I haven't felt so seen. 

As someone who has been reading a lot of Zen Buddhist books and such, some of the "solutions" were not new to me, but the contextual framing around the traits and experiences of different types of perfectionist made it so much easier to accept and take on the challenge of "acceptance" and letting go. All this time truly thought I was unable to be this way....and this book explained why I felt that way and how I can use it to empower myself instead of berating myself. 

In true classical/procrastinator perfectionist fashion, I wish there were more choose your own adventure style solutions, tips, and advice for the type of perfectionist you are. There were some chapters that did this, but some more examples/methods would have been nice or resources for each. 

Otherwise, right book, right time for me.