A review by geekwayne
Blue Hand Mojo: Hard Times Road by John Jennings


'Blue Hand Mojo: Hard Times Road' by John Jennings is an urban fantasy that has an interesting story and unusual art going for it. I enjoyed the ride, but it's definitely of the R-rated variety.

Frank Johnson is known as "Half Dead" in his neighborhood for the deal he made with the devil to save his life. In return, he got a blue hand and some weird powers. Because of this, he has a debt to work off. He does this by helping people out. The latest of these people is a Chicago gangster named Mac the Shark, an associate of Al Capone.

The book has an interesting vibe. I liked that it was set in 1930s Chicago. I also like that Frank is also a pretty dark and tortured guy. The book is in black and white, and I didn't like it at first, but the violence is so over the top that I was glad that there was no color (specifically the color red). There were times when the story and art felt a little muddy to me, and I lost interest in the first third, but I came back and finished it and enjoyed it more.

I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Rosarium Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.