A review by therese_nook68
Kim & Kim Vol. 1 by Imogen Binnie, Magdalene Visaggio, Eva Cabrera


3/5 stars! I really enjoyed this fast paced and interesting graphic novel and I'm excited to continue with the series. I love me a good sci-fi story with queer characters

While I did enjoy the story, I did struggle a bit in terms of the art style, not saying that I hated the art style, but I didn't really flip through/the graphic novel before picking it up, so I was expecting something different from what I had seen on the cover. So I did have to get used to the art style -- which I do love.

Another thing that struggled with was learning about each of the characters and their backstories. It felt really disjointed and I'm sure that once I read more of the series, I'll be able to piece together their backstories and get a more cohesive picture of what's going on -- it'll probably get me to relate to the main characters as well. With the disjointed backstory, it was hard to empathize with them a bit.

However, with that, I am still very intrigued and confused enough in the story to pick up more of the series!