A review by stuckinafictionaluniverse
Where the Stars Still Shine by Trish Doller


Since I read this an eternity ago, here’s a quick, disorganized rundown of my thoughts:

* The romance is terrible and goes something like this: Insta-love, Oh-you-must-be-mine, sex, small talk, talk about sponges, angst, more sex, indecisiveness, food, and small talk.
I do not approve.

The air between us is thick with want. Mine. His. It doesn’t make sense because I don’t know him. I don’t even know his name. He’s only the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen and I’m so, so tempted.
This is the first time they meet. I repeat, THE FIRST TIME THEY MEET. Serve me up, insta-love.

* Our main character Callie refuses to process new information and is impulsive and dumb.
She's extremely frustrating and full of prejudices.
I get it, she’s been through a lot and all, but she was never relatable to me, and I gave zero shits about her.
Like when she finds out her mother has borderline, her father clearly says mental illnesses do not equal crazy (which is so important, and why the fuck are people still ignorant enough to believe so) Guess what Callie does on the next page?
’’Am I like her? If so, am I crazy too?’’
MENTAL ILLNESS IS NOT A SYNONYM TO ''INSANITY''. You're just too ignorant to think beyond all the misconceptions about it.

Callie lies to everyone who cares about her and makes the stupidest decisions in the history of the universe.
Also, she is chocked when a boy doesn’t want her, simply because he’s a guy so his world automatically revolves around sex. *headdesk*

Good family dynamics is the only thing that saved this from being a total train wreck.