A review by doomslugreads
The Choice by Nicholas Sparks


SPOILERS. You've been warned.

The 1 out of 5 stars says everything, right? Well, here's a bit more...

I got this as a free audiobook.

Definitely wish I hadn't.

Pros of the book? The reader (Holter Graham) was great and did the book better justice than it deserved. The personalities of the dogs were cute.

Cons of this book? (Yep. That's all the pros.) Super weird character development. Which is likely what killed the rest for me - I LOVE character development. Good, strong, well-developed characters are my favorite part of any book. However, in this novel, Sparks spends a tremendous amount of time teaching you about these characters only for very little of what you learn to be relevant. To anything. And by the time you start to feel even just slightly attached to their story, you're suddenly in Part 2 of the book, thrown years into the future and none of what you learned really matters anymore. None of it! Speaking of Part 2? That's a con in itself. The entire part. Way too drawn out ramblings about whether or not he's going to take his wife off life support after she goes into a coma - which, of course, he doesn't, since that would give the story actual substance or purpose - and again, I lacked enough emotional connection to the characters to even CARE if she lived or died.

Overall, really disappointed (that I wasted my time). Though, to be fair, I don't know how I went in expecting much else. Not a choice I'll repeat anytime soon. If I hadn't been listening to this on my car ride to/from work, I would not have had the patience to finish.