A review by nbiblioholic
Blood on the Bayou by Heather Graham


Bodies have turned up in the swamps of Louisiana and the general public is convinced that the rougarou has come back to kill once again. It's up to Quinn and Danni, with the help of their supportive crew, to distinguish fact from legend and catch a killer. This story was creepy, mysterious, and a fast-paced whodunit.

Although it was pretty short, it was jam-packed with what are considered facts by the locals. Legends, myths, cultural phenomenon, whatever you want to call it, the author brought all of that to this story and I found it so intriguing. It added a certain spice to the story, that's for sure!

Release Date: January 26, 2016
Genre: Paranormal Thriller
POV: Dual - 3rd person
Steam: 1 out of 5
Book Type: Series Novella (Book 3.6 of the Cafferty and Quinn series)

*Read as part of the 1001 Dark Nights: Bundle Nine anthology