A review by chanel
Dominion Rising by Rebecca Rode, P.K. Tyler, Cheri Lasota, Dean F. Wilson, Tom Shutt, D.K. Holmberg, Alex H. Singh, Lisa Blackwood, Erin St. Pierre, K.J. Colt, Logan Thomas Snyder, Gwynn White, Anthea Sharp, Samuel Peralta, Felix R. Savage, Tony Bertauski, S.M. Schmitz, Timothy C. Ward, Ann Christy, Melanie Karsak, Ella Summers, Marilyn Peake, Erin Hayes, Daniel Arthur Smith, Becca Andre, Margo Bond Collins, S.M. Blooding


Disclaimer: I have not read the entire book bundle. My review is specifically about one of the books in the bundle, Ferromancer: Iron Souls Book One by Becca Andre, which I received an early read copy in exchange for my honest review.

Definite recommendation! I absolutely LOVED it and it takes place in my home state!

Meet Briar Rose. Captaining canal boats has always been in her blood since she was little. She's also very curious and adventurous. Lately she's been concerned that her way of life might be taken over because locomotives and railroads have become increasingly popular over canal boats. One night, she decides to go "explore" these locomotives when she witnesses a murder. Shortly after, she finds out that her uncle is looking to sell her beloved canal boat. She decides that this can't happen and ends up kidnapping the engineer her uncle was looking to establish a business relationship with over a new locomotive. However, everything is not as it seems and she ends up getting a crash course in all things ferromancy and the soulless.

Fantasy, steampunk, mystery and adventure are just a few of the reading elements you'll find in this book. The characters are written so well. My favorite character, Lock, is a construct that Briar took an instant liking too and was the reason she dove deeper into the ferromancy world. You can easily relate to Briar in that she's trying to find her place in a man's world but also trying to handle her own issues. She often finds herself in situations that potentially threaten her livelihood and her life. The relationship she has with her crew members often goes misunderstood even though each and every one are loyal to her even when she tries to shield them from the real world. Another unique trait about the characters is that you can't really define who's the hero or who's the villian. At times, I found myself questioning who the "enemy" truly was including Briar herself.

By the end of the story, you will definitely want so much more! There is so much more to look forward to with Briar, her crew, as well as a few other characters. You must give this story a try and, really, buying the whole bundle is no brainer.