A review by morethanthepages
The In-Betweens: The Spiritualists, Mediums, and Legends of Camp Etna by Mira Ptacin


"Citizens were holding seances and gathering to talk to spirits as casually as we gather for Sunday brunches."

Where to begin with this book. I'll start with absolutely loved it. I've underlined so many pieces throughout reading it, I'm not sure how to pinpoint what I loved the most. Focused on the religion Spiritualism and the people of Camp Etna I learned about what the religion truly is and it's belief system and how it was formed. "Spiritualists were the kind of scouts who ventured into the afterlife rather than into national parks."

I think first beginning with the authors writing. The way she paints a story about the women and men of Camp Etna past and present is almost magical. I could visualize every aspect. "Cathymac's skin was wafer-thin and wrinkled in a new kind of pretty from years and years and years of Earth's gravitational pull, from the expression of emotions, from being a human on this planet." Beautiful. I was walking along with her as she interviewed the people, researched and explored. I too could imagine myself dowsing for water as she experienced it the first time.

From learning about Spiritualism what really is this religion to Houdini being one of it's greatest enemies. The places where Spiritualism is threaded through our history and historical figures is insane. It was absolutely fascinating. I was constantly learning, asking myself questions and reading with an entirely open mind.

Also I learned some interesting fun facts one of them being that in 1926 the Post Office prohibited adults to send children via parcel post. That makes me laugh to think about.

If you're interested in subcultures and religions and are curious about how others handle matters of grief, exploration and love then pick up this book. Pick it up because it's nothing but beautifully written and extremely interesting full of unique people and stories that at times gave me goose bumps or holding my breath with anticipation. I could continue to write down quotes, but instead I recommend you to read them for yourself. There are so many more ones that I underlined and I only began with a few.