A review by simply_sam
How to Successfully Kidnap Strangers by Max Booth III


So, this was interesting...I think? I liked it...I think?

After a night of extreme partying, 5 friends, who happen to co-run a small press, wake up and go on a somewhat unintentional crime spree. From robbery to kidnapping to murder, these guys do it all. There's crucifix dildos, fast food drug wars, and not to mention talking severed heads. But that's what happens when shitty reviewers write shitty reviews, right?

This book was equal parts laugh out loud hilarious and disgustingly cringe worthy. It was like a Tarantino film in my head. Kind of brilliant actually.

Venturing forth into this unknown territory that is bizarro fiction. Who knew, right?

Attempting this as 9. A book that is outside your comfort zone in my 2016 MacHalo Challenge.