A review by vikingwolf
Final Destination 3: The Novel by Glen Morgan, James Wong, Christa Faust, Christa Faust


A group of high school seniors are at the Red River Adventure Park, ready to spend the night enjoying all the varied rides, especially the Devil's Flight rollercoaster. It is when they are getting on that Wendy has a horror vision of the rollercoaster suffering a fatal crash, and in her mind she sees in horrific detail how each of her friends die. Her panic leads to a group of them coming off the rollercoaster before it goes and they all watch in horror as the crash unfolds in front of them. In the aftermath, fear replaces grief as the survivors start to die in the order that they would have on the ride and Wendy needs to find a way to stop Fate killing them all.

I love this series of films! I've always enjoyed the way it unfolds, seeing the disaster as it would have happened, the panic as the person with the vision tries to get their friends to safety and then seeing the accident unfold as they watch. The tension really begins as the survivors start to get killed and the others realise what is happening and have to find a way to stop it. The book is quite faithful to the film from what I remember-it has been a while since I watched it-but the difference is that we get more to the personalities and home life of the main characters, which is good for character development.

Wendy is the chosen yearbook photographer and is trying to get good photos at the park, but nothing seems to be coming out right, with images being blurred or having a creepy look to them. She is feeling unsettled about the whole trip and not enjoying it and is also worrying that her sister is there when her health could be at risk from her heart condition if she goes on the scarier rides. Wendy starts seeing death omens and is reluctant to go on the rollercoaster but feels she has to do it. She gets into a panic after seeing a vision of the coming crash and seeing all of her friends and herself die. After freaking out and being responsible for a few kids being thrown off the ride, they watch the crash.

In the aftermath Wendy is suffering from grief over the death of her friends and boyfriend, along with the guilt of surviving and wishing she had stopped everyone going on the rollercoaster. The survivors take comfort in each other but then the first death occurs and they slowly start to realise that Death is coming for them after all. It is very tense through the book as the 'accidents' start to happen and Wendy tries to convince each person who is to die ahead of her of what is going to happen, to try and break the chain. I actually found the whole idea of a cheated Death coming after them in brutal ways to be pretty unsettling! I don't get scared by books but I found this one kind of disturbing!

I liked the tension and action around the theme park at the beginning and then at the big event at the end. It was exciting and nerve jangling as disaster creeps closer and closer. The only niggle I really had was with the actual rollercoaster crash, where I found it kind of difficult to imagine the details of the crash and destruction of the tracks happening. Maybe it was just me but I couldn't get a clear image of the events unfolding, the way it happens in the film.

I did very much enjoy this book though and I see that this authors writes novels on other horror series so I hope I can find more of her books in the future.