A review by missusb21
One True Thing by Nicole Hayes


Gah! This is the problem with reading one book after another. It's only been 5 days since I read this, and yet, the three books I have started and (some that) finished since then means I get all the characters and plot-lines confused in my head.

(note to self: Write the darned review right away).

Okay, so I started this on a plane, and had to keep reading and finish it that same night. SO I invested in Frankie's story, and liked that it was more about her family than her love interest.

I also very much loved that Frankie was a rocker, and was drawn into the passion she felt for her music and her band. The part about how much angst was caused by the other two band members
potential relationship
shows Frankie as a realistic teen, and I liked that she really needed to relinquish some control - very hard for Frankie.

However, there were a couple of scenes where the tension was built and my anticipation was high, only to be left a bit unsatisfied. And I wanted more Jake at the end, as his story seemed to left unresolved (although I understand the motivation behind the decision).

Another really great new Aussie YA read.