A review by caedocyon
The Other Side: An Anthology of Queer Paranormal Romance by Melanie Gillman, Kori Michele Handwerker


more of a 4.5 than a 4 tbh. it's an anthology, not every story will be perfect, but there are SO many very, very good ones, they make you forget the forgettable....

EMMA-FZR 400RRSP: one of multiple "befriending/making out with the ghost of the inanimate place or thing" stories, but this one is about a butch and her motorbike. Win.

Halo: lovely art, sad and philosophical

Pulpit Point: made me cry and then laugh out loud two panels later, and then I had to reread it all again. SO GOOD.

Rabbit Stew: lovely art, and so atmospheric.

Third Circle Pizza: great idea!!! one of the most original in the book. also, really good art!! fuckin cute characters!

Tierra Verde: also one of my favorites, although i kept thinking it was over because it could have ended perfectly on either the fourth to last or second to last pages, which made the landing a bit bumpy. the art is incredible, though, and the idea, and I loved loved loved the characters and setting. so, uh, yeah.

Bare Bones: OK, yeah, another seducing the spirit of the place story, but really well done. I also liked that the main character is lowkey a trans guy but it's not mentioned-mentioned because it's not important to the story.