A review by arielx
The Best American Short Stories 2006 by Katrina Kenison, Ann Patchett



Tattooizm rings true. What do people want from relationships, and how do they reconcile that with what they get? When is it over and how do you know? It also reminded me of people in the moments before having to make a tough decision. Like when we're faced with the fact that we can't continue our unsustainable consumer lifestyle any more. We're so satisfied and happy with ourselves right now, we can barely imagine giving up our way of life, even for something we know will be better in the long run. Is it better to willfully quit something than let it fall apart?

How We Avenged the Blums is a story of anti-semitic oppression and how to respond to it. I like that it uses a children's perspective to take a fresh look at the meaning of revenge.

Mr. Nobody at All is a unique story told from a unique perspective. Despite being unorthodox it still manages to have drama, conflict, and resolution. Definitely a memorable look at what other people think about you - what is public - and what is private.

Honorable mentions:

Cowboy, Today I'm Yours, Grandmother's Nose, The Casual Car Pool

Take-home message:

Most of the stories were similar to each other, describing childhood or the Iraq War, and I didn't connect with most of them. There are a few memorable ones but in general, not one of my favorites in the BASS series.