A review by blodeuedd
Head Rush by Carolyn Crane


I am so weird, I wanted patiently for the print to come out. Even though book 2 was this biggest OMG! No you didn't!!!!! of last year. And what do I do when the print is out...much much later. Yes I buy an ebook *groans, I am an idiot*. But to my defense I could not read ebooks before and now the library has an e-reader. Still idiot here.

But at last I read it and I was on the edge of my seat all way through. Justine thinks Packard killed Avery. She does not know Otto had Sophia change her memories and now Justine and Otto are getting married! Noooooo!

Still I do not hate Otto because in the end everyone is out of their mind in this series. Justine thinks she could die any moment. Otto is..well insane and powerhungry but but, he loves her! I just can't hate him.

And Justine, she has doubts but she loves him..or? I kept wanting her to remember what she shared with Packard. Still it is weird that I still like Otto more but still want her to be with Packard? Yes that is how loopy you get from this crazy book.

What a ride! Thrilling! Filled with crazies and just a great ending to this series.