A review by dantastic
Doctor Strange by Mark Waid Vol. 2: Remittance by


Doctor Strange finds himself locked in combat with... himself? Can he unravel the mystery of The Two Doctors before the true mastermind shows himself?

Doctor Strange: Remittance collects issues 6-11 of Doctor Strange.

The previous volume, Across the Universe, was a pretty inventive tale. This one feels like a bridging volume more than anything else. Yeah, the stuff with Baron Mordo, the Ancient One, and the Faltine was cool but the book was the tail end of the previous volume, plus a two parter, plus some standalone tales. I guess it just lacked a unifying component other than Doctor Strange.

That being said, I did enjoy it. My favorite tale was the one of the demonic real estate developer trying to buy up Doctor Strange's neighborhood. The anniversary stories in #10 were also quite good. Another thing that impeded my enjoyment was the shifting of art teams. Sure, they all produced great demons and monsters but the contrasting styles were a little irritating.

That's about it, I guess. I liked Doctor Strange: Remittance but never contemplated making sweet love to it on my Cloak of Levitation. 3 out of 5 stars.