A review by tmn126
My Life in a Cat House: True Tales of Love, Laughter, and Living with Five Felines by Gwen Cooper


Cat lovers rejoice! Here's a book that highlights the complex and sometimes even complicated relationships between a feline family and the human who loves them. It's sure to be a smiles and maybe some tears as well to readers whether they are cat fans or not.

Consisting of a series of short narratives about the feline family of author [a:Gwen Cooper|179790|Gwen Cooper|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1518218235p2/179790.jpg], this book delves into the relationships between humans and cats in a totally unique way. Five furry friends teach Gwen all about love, loyalty, expectations vs reality, overcoming challenges and much more. She tells of her adventures with the cats in a mostly lighthearted way (with even a bit of sarcasm and snark thrown in where appropriate) that readers will find charming. By the last page, if you're a cat owner, you'll want to go give your pet a snuggle, and if your not, you may consider becoming one so you too can experience the joys of cat-parenting.

I'm not a cat owner; I don't think my dog would appreciate sharing her territory. Yet, I still enjoyed this book. The stories were entertaining, and I really felt like I got a good grasp of the personalities of both the humans and cats interspersed throughout. I found myself smiling at silly cat antics and tearing up while reading about both human and cat grief. Overall, these stories were well-written and a joy to read.

My only criticism, and it's more an observation I think, is that a couple of the stories in this book seemed to be making mountains out of molehills. What I mean is that simple instances or series of instances were stretched into an entire story when a few simple paragraphs would have sufficed for the telling.

Bottom line: If you've read [b:Homer's Odyssey|6261477|Homer's Odyssey|Gwen Cooper|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1442887803l/6261477._SY75_.jpg|6444699], you'll be happy to know that Homer features in this collection as well. Even if you haven't, this is a quick solid set of cat tales and is a delight to read.