A review by chels_ebooks
A Candle in the Dark by Megan Chance


Ana is on the run after killing a man in the New York brothel she works at, so she hires Dr. Cain D'Alessandro to pose as her husband on her flight to California. One of Cain's stipulations for assisting Ana is that she stay with him through the journey- he's an alcoholic who is slowly obliterating himself, and he's afraid of waking up with no sense of where he is. Ana agrees despite her disgust of Cain's addiction, but it's a promise that she's more than willing to break for self preservation.

The book really tests you with Ana. She's deliberately cruel to Cain in order to get him to keep his distance, while he asks for compassion and comfort. Ana's strategy for survival is to trust no one, so she and Cain are frequently at odds. He wants to learn more about her, to touch her, to stay with her. She wants him to pick up the bottle and disappear so she doesn't have to think about him.

The journey and murder are secondary here - we spend most of our time with the push and pull between Ana and Cain. It's touching, maddening, and challenging.