A review by susannembryhni
Skin by Adrienne Maria Vrettos


The best book I have ever read. It is funny and touching and everything you could ever wish from a book. It brings up various important topics without shoving it down your throat, and gives you a perspective on other people's lives. I once read that booklovers are more empathic than non-readers, and I think books like this is the reason for that.

In my opinion, this book contains one of the most powerful and touching paragraphs ever written. A paragraph on page 128-129 is so depressing, though optimistic: I cried, and so did my brother when I read him this paragraph. The fact that some people out there might feel like that is truly saddening. Anyway, here goes:
"Today was a good day at school. Mr. Delancey had us do a group science project in experimental bio where we tested how flammable candy. That means that before first period was even over, I'd talked to four people in my group. That means that I talked to one more person than I needed to, and if only two people talked to me tomorrow, it's all right, because I'll just use that extra one from today to make up for it."