A review by kimberlyf
Splinters: A Memoir by Leslie Jamison


PUB DAY!! read this book

A beautiful story of love—for one’s child, for motherhood, for art—and of love lost.

I originally believed that this wasn’t a memoir for me. The synopsis sounded interesting but I thought to myself, “I’m not a mother. I’m not sure what I will get out of reading this.” Having read about Jamison’s writing (though not reading the writing itself) and reading of her talent, I was interested enough to hesitantly request this memoir from NetGalley.
Incase you are in my boat and wondering the same thing—I’m not a mother therefore why should I read this—just trust me when I say that you need to read it. This was my first encounter with Jamison’s work and I am an immediate fan. Her writing is insanely beautiful and lyrical and she stitches words together with such ease. There were many moments in this reading where I had to stop to go back and re-read a passage or sentence over again because the beauty of it took my breath away. Her observations of the world around her (and of herself) are awe-inspiring.

Jamison writes about the real and challenging and beautiful moments of early motherhood—of gaining new love—while her marriage, simultaneously, breaks down. She writes about learning to balance motherhood with artistry—how can one do both when they each require full attention?

If I had my own copy, it would be heavily annotated.

Thank you NetGalley for the digital copy. Out 02/20/2024.