A review by kalliste
The Place on Dalhousie by Melina Marchetta


I recently did a re-read of Saving Francesca and The Piper's Son after finding out about The Place on Dalhousie.

I enjoyed this more than The Piper's Son, even if Rosie was a little unbearable. There was a lot of grief here, as with the other two books, but also a lot of hope.

It was great to see more of Jimmy and find out what had happened to him during the time of The Piper's Son.

Some have complained of too many characters, but I think that is just how Marchetta writes. Big families and communities and friend groups. I didn't find them difficult to keep track of, but perhaps that is because I read the other two books first and was aware of who everyone was.

The only question that remains is, when do Tara, Siobhan and Justine get their own stories?