A review by elephant
The Day of the Donald: Trump Trumps America by Andrew Shaffer


This book is a silly spoof, mystery/thriller about what might happen if Donald Trump were to be elected president. It presents Donald and the rest of the politicians as inept buffoons. With lines like "So when people see me saying the stuff out loud that they can only scream at their TVs? I'm their hero...being an asshole and getting away with it. And if I can do it, maybe they can do it too.", it captures how many people feel about Trump and his supporters. The story follows a reporter named Jimmie, who has been hired to ghost write for Trump after having released a scandalous Ted Cruz sex tape, losing his job, and following refugees from the US crawling under the wall into Mexico. Jimmie soon learns about his predecessor's mysterious disappearance and uncovers all kinds of ineptitude and scandal in the White House, that Trump has painted gold. Can Jimmie survive to tell the tale though? I received this book free to review from Netgalley. While the book is a silly spoof, it is not at all funny that Trump is the republican nominee for president. That he is, is just evidence of how broken and corrupt the US political system is, and that is not a joke.