A review by andreablythe
Carnage Road by Gregory Lamberson


What the FREAKING FRAK! I was definitely into this story about two former members of a biker gang, Walker and Boone, who decide to take a post apocalyptic across a zombie infested America. The characters were interesting, the world as presented was cool, and the writing was good (except for a few and far between spattering of really bad grammer mistakes). I liked seeing the different people and groups they met a long the way, most blaming others for the apocalypse (some blaming the liberals, some blaming the conservatives, etc.). It was all great and fun, right up until the freaking ending.

Look, I'm all for open ended endings. If an author wants to leave some questions unanswered, that's fine by me. Heck, more often than not, I tend to enjoy it. BUT there is a huge difference between "open ended" and "cliffhanger," which is exactly what this story ended on. And again, I don't have a problem with cliffhangers, providing they are part of a series or trilogy, and therefore, I know the story will continue at some point. But NO, this is meant to be a stand alone novella, and the writer MIGHT at some point tell more Walker and Boone stories. Un-bleeping-believable. Gah!!

I give this one three stars, because despite how much the ending annoyed the frak out of me, it was a really good story right up until that point. *sigh*