A review by cherbear
Human Cargo: A Journey Among Refugees by Caroline Moorehead


This was a heartbreaking and very instructive book very relevant to today. I liked how she divided the book up into the different sections (leaving, arriving, afterward) and dealt with the different issues that concerned each. Overall I felt the author was fairly even handed in her presentation of the topic. It didn't become too preachy, but presented both sides of the argument.
The only weakness, which is not the book's fault, is that even now, ten years later it is somewhat outdated. Not on the overall theme but the severity of the issue. It was almost funny to see her write that refugee numbers are down because anyone who pays attention to the news knows that there is a refugee crisis happening in Europe and there are more refugees worldwide now than since WWII. Not her fault since she can only talk about what was happening at the time, but it doesn't make me curious how or if the book would be changed today.