A review by cornucopiaofbooks
Doctor Who: Series III, Vol. 1: Hypothetical Gentleman by Philip Bond, Mark Buckingham, Andy Diggle, Brandon Seifert


Best Bits: I am a total Whovian, aka I love Doctor Who. So, when I had the chance to read a comic featuring the newest doctor and his companions I was super excited. I really enjoyed getting to see two different artists and two different stories. It gave each one a fresh feel, and just like each episode is written by various people, this felt like each illustrator was getting their chance to put their spin on this amazing series. The first story, Winter's Dawn, ends with a big of a cliffhanger, so I'm hoping that it will be resolved during a follow-up comic. The second takes place during the London Beer Flood (this really happened). What I loved about both is that they feel like they could be episodes that never made it to production. I can just imagine how they would be acted, scene transitions, and can almost imagine the character's voices in my head. Plus, I love Rory. I know that I'm going to enjoy any stories with him in it, especially if he's supposed to be bonding with the doctor.

Nit Picks: When I saw this on Netgalley it was marketed as a comic featuring Ten (the Tenth Doctor, portrayed by David Tennant; my favorite doctor). It was a tad confusing, but I can't hold that against the two comics here, which I found immensely entertaining. There are also some points during The Hypothetical Gentleman where the characters do lose become less recognizable, which for some may be a bit jarring. Still, if you love the Doctor, I say grab this story and prepare to be entertained.