A review by readbyjoey
Celtic Empire by Dirk Cussler, Clive Cussler


The whole book from start to end is action packed and delivers the adventure that it promises. It's quite fast paced and a lot happens in just one book.
I enjoyed the way the ancient world was tied into the story and I liked following both Dirk Pitt and his son in their adventures as the story kept shifting from one to the other.
It had an interesting and exciting storyline. At parts I felt like I was watching a movie and that only attests to how well described some scenes are.
The love interest takes a backseat to the main plot, which allows the story to flow fluidly and I liked that about this book.
This was my first Clive Cussler book and I would definitely reread it at some point and already picked up two of his other books which I plan on reading in the near future. I would recommend it to anyone who loves adventure and has an interest in ancient civilisations like me.