A review by fortheloveoffictionalworlds
Ninja At First Sight by Penny Reid


I received an eARC of the book via the wonderful Overload Penny Reid without any expectations of a review, and yet here I am!

Greg and Fiona are the mysterious married couple of the Knitting Group who have always fascinated me - I mean how could you not be? On one side, you have couples working towards their HEA but on the other, you have a couple already living their HEA and aren't we always curious as to what happens when that book ends? Do they live happily ever after? Or do they fight like animals and make up like bunnies?

But I digress... This is a novella showcasing little tidbits from the time before and during the big "Greg and Fiona Get Together" and I absolutely LOVED IT!!

I always had the sneaking suspicion that Greg will the most favorite hero of mine (no offence, Quinn and Alex!) and I am ecstatic that I was right!

Greg is that sweet intelligent, snarky British that you can't help but adore - he is the one man who will put you in your place with one biting remark that will either incense you or just basically make you wish that you knew vanishing spells for your pantie ;)

Fiona on the other hand, is the typical snarky Penny Reid heroine who basically becomes the epitome of what you actually want to be when you grow up - even if you are already 24 years old :D

I can't wait for [b:Happily Ever Ninja|22848621|Happily Ever Ninja (Knitting in the City, #5)|Penny Reid|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1442426755s/22848621.jpg|42410243] because it's a physical need to know that Greg and Fiona became the couple they did in my mind :D

"This is my chance to ruin you for anyone else.”
"By telling me all about how terrible you are?”
"By being honest. By playing no games. When I tell you that I’m a selfish bastard, I mean it. And when I tell you that you’re wonderful and amazing and stunning and definitely the most extraordinary woman I’ve ever met, you’ll know I mean that, too.”

You can find reviews of almost all Penny Reid books right here For The Love of Fictional Worlds