A review by honnari_hannya
The God Equation: The Quest for a Theory of Everything by Michio Kaku


A lot of this material is recycled from this other books—the same structure, the same anecdotes, the same intellectual questions he's trying to answer. I can't blame him if he wants to make that coin but I can't say that it makes me want to read any more of these books if nothing differentiates one from the other.

He is also still rather opaque about some issues, and I find that Kaku makes some really wild claims without explaining either 1) the relevance or 2) the process of how it can be done. One particular "WTF???" moment for me was his casual, almost throwaway comment about how scientists are currently assembling machines that can detect energy? waves? something that our universe gave off in its infancy when it collided with a parallel universe. And then he moved on just like that. I was reeling. How? What? What is the basis of this machine? What is it detecting? How is it detecting? Where are they pointing it? What??? I was just. Floored. And he moved on. It was the worst cliffhanger I've read in a long time.