A review by daisey
Anne Frank in the Secret Annex: Who Was Who? by Anne Frank House


We read [b:The Diary of Anne Frank: the Play|48856|The Diary of Anne Frank the Play|Frances Goodrich|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1387739365s/48856.jpg|42419722] in the 8th grade English class that I teach, and I am always looking for additional resources to help the students better understand this time in history and the experiences of the people that lived it. This book will be a great addition to my resource shelf. It begins with some historical background for the people hiding in the Secret Annex, goes on to detail aspects of daily life while in hiding, and then provides a brief biography of each individual. It includes many photographs, which I think will be especially helpful in making this story more real for my own students.

* I received an electronic copy of this book through NetGalley for an honest review.