A review by ari_odinson
Batgirl: Redemption by Adam Beechen


One of my favorite parts about Cass Cain is the lack of dialogue throughout the plot. The fact that most of her story focuses on an internal narrative introduces an interesting side to her character. There is more of a stream of conscious feel to the storytelling of her as Batgirl. Yet the start of Batgirl: Redemption branches out too much into past events to explain or give reason to the hatred on Nightwing, Robin and Batman's part about her. This I thought was unnessesary. I felt as if the comic was hard to start reading because it allowed them to get away with a handful of comics rather than truly build the story. Cass's narrative provides enough of an explanation to what happened especially as she starts to team up with Marque and later Ravager.

Batgirl: Redemption focues on the struggle of Cass Cain and how she needs to deal with her past pain. Does she or does she not kill her father? Batman told her to never kill. But can anybody stop her if she has the chance to kill the man who caused her all the pain in her life? The story is interesting. It is a slow start due to the enormous amounts of dialogue offered to other characters in order to give them a "valid" reason to hate Cass Cain.

After Marque and Ravager leave the main storyline, it becomes more interesting because the stream of conscious develops again as Cass searches for a normal life. She wants to be loved. One of the reasons to why she is my favorite Batgirl is because she battles with such human issues. Her traumatic past along with the struggles of learning how to read and speak. Later when she meets Cain she brings up the fact that she wants this normal life building her into a fascinating character for later issues.

This is not my favorite collection. It gave me more reasons to hate Nightwing rather than more reasons to love Cass Cain. Yet the ending is worth reading because in that moment I felt satisfied with everything. It provides an in depth look into the relationship between Cass and Cain for later events along with why she is the way she is. I'm always looking forward to reading more that involves her character and regret the fact I jumped so late onto the "bandwagon" because it's a challenge to find single issues and tpb all about her.