A review by blueinkandpaperstars
Figurehead by Carly Holmes

dark mysterious


There is an almost fairytale-like felling about these short stories. Carly Holmes writes in such a lyrical and beautiful way that helps to evoke that feeling. From the very first sentence the author pulls the reader into the story and makes them experience whatever happens next in such personal way.

All these stories speak of recognizable feelings, emotions, they explore recognizable themes and experiences, but do so by turning them into something darker, more twisted, and even surreal at times. I do have to say that some of the stories really made me believe that there was something lurking in the shadows 😳

This short story collection reminded me of one I read last year and quite enjoyed, “Salt Slow” by Julia Armfield, so I would recommend it to anyone who has enjoyed that one, as well as, to any horror fans out there, and to anyone who is even remotely intrigued by it. I will be definitely checking out more works by this author, and there are some short stories in this collection that I will absolutely return to every once in a while.

Thank you to @netgalley and @parthian_books for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review!