A review by shelfquest
The Forest Bull by Terry Maggert


The medium in which I consumed The Forest Bull is by audiobook. It was a fairly painful experience; the audiobook narrator is a woman but the book is from the point of view of a man (...wut?), thus making her sound terribly like a female trucker for the entire book. Narration aside, I tried to get past this poor move and focus on the great story that this book had the potential to be.

The book is about three humans who hunt immortals for a living. The upheaval comes when some unknown Baron contacts them to track down his immortal daughter, Elizabeth. It is an upheaval because they don't advertise their services so they figure that someone fairly close to them is a rat. Much of the book after that is them checking out the Baron's validity while searching both for Elizabeth and the spy in their close circle of friends. Yadda yadda, some other stuff happens, then the end of the book happens and they don't even find Elizabeth WHICH THEY SPEND THE WHOLE BOOK DOING. How can you even finish a book without wrapping up your loose ends? If the thought is to keep looking for this woman over the entire series then it is a terrible idea. I'll never know. All this and the POV of the main character is so weird that I thought it was written by a woman because it seemed a little off compared to other man-POV books I've read.

I don't recommend listening to or reading this book (but especially listening to) and I won't be reading any more in this series and probably nothing from the author, if I'm lucky.

As many stars as I take my Thai food: "Zero."