A review by katharinem
Astonish Me by Maggie Shipstead


I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. If you would have asked me to rate mid-book, I would have given this 4 stars. But I was quite disappointed by the ending. I don't necessarily want my ending to have all loose ends tied up in a nice neat little bow, but I want a little more resolution than I felt this offered up. We got such slight hints at what was going on with these major players, but in ways that could easily end one of multiple ways. I wanted some more resolution. I enjoyed the format, quickly and easily covering multiple years, sometimes out of sequence, to tell the full story. Being a former dancer, I could easily follow those scenes, but I think they were also written in such a way that a non-dancer could easily piece together what they needed to know. Well written, nice quick read. I just felt the ending was a let-down.