A review by ashleighbeanxo
Corpse & Crown by Alisa Kwitney


320 pages of my life I'll never get back!

So I normally hate when sequels or later books in a sequel change POV from the first book (with the exception of the His Fair Assassin series) so I was prepared to hate this book already. I didn't care much for Aggie in the first book and I didn't understand how suddenly she and Lizzie were best friends.

But when Aggie meets Dodger, I thought 'hey up, this could work and I might not hate this book'. No, it didn't work and I did hate this book. The author tries to do too many things at once and I don't think she's good at wrapping things up. There were too many side plots and too many things to be juggled that it just came across as a mess.

If the book had been solely about Aggie and Dodger, I might have loved it. But no, the Bio-Mechanical thing is still forefront and present, and it's stupid.
