A review by prested
Numenera - The Poison Eater by Shanna Germain


Talia is the poison eater, a person who foretells the dangers for the city of Enthait.
However, Taila isn't seeing anything when she's poisoned.
And so she lies.
Telling everyone false dangers in hopes of accessing the city's weapons to get vengeance on those who wronged her in the past.
Alrighty, I know my review of this book is really late. I finished it at the beginning of the month,
Over all, it wasn't a bad book. It was okay.
The pacing was a little weird at times and some of the plot was a little clunky.
The ending was kinda abrupt and I felt there wasn't a lot of buildup to it.
SpoilerThe reason given for why everyone suddenly supported her was because she was the poison eater. Even though, just a few chapters ago, they didn't trust her.

I also didn't get why she suddenly disliked the previous poison eater and thought she was evil.
SpoilerThey had one conversation and because she didn't seemed to believe in the system and Taila thought she was sooo bad because of it.

The world itself is so vibrant and the characters are fascinating but the plot was meh.
The plot concept is interesting but it was executed poorly.