A review by assaphmehr
Bound in Blood by P.C. Hodgell


I've recently decided to re-read this excellent epic fantasy cycle, and review as I go.

What to Expect

Bound in Blood sees Jame continuing her military education in the randon college of Tentir, as well as increasing involvement with the Merikit hill-tribes and the native forces on the Kencyrath's adopted world. Some of the mysteries that were painfully obvious to readers who have been following the books diligently are becoming clearer to the characters, and they in turn are growing up towards their inevitable final role in what would one day be a climatic resolution to this epic cycle. If you've read so far in the series you probably like Hodgell's style, but if you haven't this isn't the place to jump in.

What I liked

Hodgell's story-telling and world-building are top-notch, her story pacing is excellent, and she balances light and dark themes perfectly. I love the tantalising glimpses into Jame's past, and the slowly-building tension around her. One can't help but feel immersed in the story, love Jame's vibrancy, and wish to learn more.

What to be aware of

This is book 5 of a long running series (over 35 years, so far). You really need to start at [b:God Stalk|69169|God Stalk (Kencyrath, #1)|P.C. Hodgell|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1287523762s/69169.jpg|1281031] if you're to have any chance of understanding what is going on. The series, as I understand it, is still not complete (though I imagine that wouldn't stop any GRRM fans).


A highly recommended series. This is epic fantasy done right, with perfect balance of light and dark, and excellent, slowly-building pacing. If you love fantasy, I strongly suggest you add God Stalk to your TBR pile.
[a:Assaph Mehr|14422472|Assaph Mehr|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1518065419p2/14422472.jpg], author of [b:Murder In Absentia|29500700|Murder In Absentia (Felix the Fox, #1)|Assaph Mehr|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1457914061s/29500700.jpg|46845657]: A story of Togas, Daggers, and Magic - for lovers of Ancient Rome, Murder Mysteries, and Urban Fantasy.