A review by veenasoujanya
How to Kill Your Husband {and Other Handy Household Hints} by Kathy Lette


Why did I buy the book: I went to a "lock the box sale'' where I greedily stuffed as many books available in the carton and this one fitted and the hilarious title did help to pick it up.

Why did I read the book: I needed to read a book 'with pink color cover' for my Pop Sugar Challenge

Review of the book: Why did I read the book? :(

First of all the title and the extract on the back cover is very misleading. I didn't find the book to be either funny or witty. I never expected any literary value from this book but it doesn't even come under a chick-lit. Another sad part is that the 250plus pages book on three female friends can't even pass the Bechdel test as there is hardly any conversation between the women which doesn't include sleeping with men.

The book is full of one-liners, a few of which can be copied down and used when you are high on marijuana and in the company of teenagers (don't ever use them when you are with your co-workers or friends as they might book an appointment with a psychiatrist for you or much worse book a bed in the asylum.) The story is also boring and the characters very cliched. Overall a book you can happily skip. Two stars for the way the author ended the book in a sort of happy note giving a hope to all the women that if they can think innovatively they can actually murder their husband and get away with it.