A review by amybraunauthor
Antigoddess by Kendare Blake


I wasn't really sure what to expect with this Greek mythology-inspired urban fantasy series, but I got more than I bargained for! I absolutely loved it. The story was very unique and the horror angle taken on by Kendare Blake will stick with me for a long time. While there was little by traditional action at first, the ending was intense and nail-biting with a shocking twist. I loved the concepts Blake used to introduce a new spin on old heroes. While Athena and Aidan were stubborn to the point of lunacy some times, I had to admit that I really enjoyed their perspectives. Cassandra is a great female lead character and Hermes is instantly loveable. The villains weren't who I expected and far more dastardly than I could have imagined. It was waaaaay gorier than I anticipated, but that's not a complaint because it helped paint the visuals of what was going on. I barely stopped reading for anything, and the finale begs for a sequel. Can't wait to read more!