A review by mehsi
The Wild Robot Escapes by Peter Brown


Peter Brown did it again, another magnificent book about our Robot.

I had been planning on buying this one, but I haven't had the chance (too many other great books these past months), so I was delighted when I spotted this one (miracle-desu) at one of my libraries. I could finally read this one! See more of the adventures of Roz, see how she did in this new world, and I was rooting for her to get back to her son and their island.

We see Roz travel to her new place, a farm. Specifically the machines, and even more specific, she can help with the cows. Due to Roz being able to speak the language of the cows she can quickly bond with them. Yes, the cows are a bit worried about the big robot at first, and I can't blame them. But I loved how quickly they embraced her as a friend. How they talked to her, listened to her. And how Roz in turn cared for them and protected them.

The farm parts were pretty fun. I loved reading about Roz and how she tried to make the farm profitable again, how she fixed the machines so they worked again. Thanks to her the farm came to life again. And not only that, she even tried making improvements. Helping out the animals around the farm. It was just so much fun, even with Roz missing her family and friends, the island, she still made a new home for her at this place.

The escape, it took a while, but I am happy the author didn't immediately jump to it. Roz took her time to calculate all the things she needed to do. Because escape isn't the easiest, especially when you have a tracker in you, and also have no clue where to go. Thankfully she is not alone. The kids are warming up to her, and she has also found someone special who can help her out.

When the escape started, oh boy, the book really got exciting and I just couldn't stop reading. Sadly, I had to as it was late and I had to get up at a decent time the next morning. But as soon as I had some time the next day I read, I read more, and I was rooting and cheering. Roz has some amazing help, and again, her skills of talking with animals and blending in with her environment really help her out.

I didn't like the wolves. Really, they just pissed me off. Especially Shadow. Especially later on.

I just adored that everyone had heard the tales about the robot mother and the goose son. How every animal (well, most of them) tried to help her as soon as she revealed who she was.

Close to the ending, an exciting chase, and a revelation. I definitely liked it, and I also loved the older lady. Sure, I was wary, given how everyone was treating Roz. Like she was dangerous, while she is the sweetest creature on earth. But I quickly saw a different side, and one she also showed later on.

The ending did bring tears to my eyes. Oh my gosh, yes it did. It was just the best ending to this short series.

Of course, the book is also illustrated. I loved the art in the previous book, and I loved it in this one. The style just fits perfect with the writing style.

The chapters varied in size, some were really short, others were long. I quite liked that the author did it this way, it made it all just a bit more fun and engaging to read.

All in all, I am happy that I read this series, about a robot, her goose son, an island, and now an escape. I would highly recommend both books to everyone. Be sure to bring tissues though.

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/