A review by charshorrorcorner
Falling Over by James Everington


4.5 stars!

I've been a fan of James Everington for a couple of years now. I very much enjoyed his other short story collection,[b:The Other Room|11291303|The Other Room|James Everington|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1327953579s/11291303.jpg|16218746] (I still think about one story-A Writer's Words often),as well as his work with the Abominable Gentlemen on the Penny Dreadnoughts. I was excited to read this new collection. Once again, Mr. Everington sucked me in with his intriguing and intelligent stories.

There were a few stories within that worked exceptionally well for me and here they are:

"The Time Of Their Lives"-If you had a chance to turn back time, would you? Even if that meant regaining the petty jealousies of the young? I thought this story was extremely well written and I have entire paragraphs highlighted on my Kindle. 5*

"Haunted"-This was a flash fiction story (100 words) that I thought was very cool.4*

"The Man Dogs Hated"-I think this story is the definition of weird fiction. There is some commentary within about small town communities and prejudices... and just plain weirdness. I liked it! 4*

"Sick Leave"-My favorite story of this collection. A teacher returns to school after a long illness. It was weird, foggy and creepy- complete with schoolchildren acting strangely. Seriously, I shuddered more than a few times reading this one. 5*

"Drones"-This story came in a close second to Sick Leave. Have you ever wondered about the actual people behind the drone? This story will suck you right in if you have. If you haven't you probably WILL think about them after reading this story. 5*

At the end of this collection, Mr. Everington includes some tidbits about how the stories came about. I always enjoy reading how a story was created and I especially like that the explanation comes at the end, rather than the beginning. There were a few typos in this collection, not enough for me to stop enjoying it, but enough to reduce my rating by .5.

I eagerly await anything else Mr. Everington wants to put out there! His fiction is hard to categorize-there are no set parameters, and that's the way I like it. If this collection sounds intriguing to you, I think you will enjoy it. Give it a shot!