A review by sparklingreader
Snake Skin by C.J. Lyons


Wow. That one word pretty much says it all. With the opening page, C.J. grabbed me by the throat and didn’t let go until the last page. Snake Skin is definitely one of the best suspense novels I’ve read.

Lucy Guardino is a typical soccer mom, except that, as an F.B.I. agent, she carries a gun and hunts down vicious perverts who go after children. In this book, she’s up against one of the worst she’s ever faced. Faced with the threat to her own daughter, Lucy does what is necessary, even if it means she might not make it through.

Unlike most thrillers, this one has a female protagonist, but it completely works. Lyons skill with characterizations shows as she makes Lucy strong, but also vulnerable. We believe she can be a mom, a wife, and a kick-ass agent all wrapped up in one neat package. The thrilling plot keeps you turning the pages as the suspense keeps building. Just when you think it’s over, she throws in another twist.

This is a fast-paced read that will appeal to anyone who loves thrillers. Definitely recommended.