A review by derek_bush
Burn Notice: The Fix by Tod Goldberg


Burn Notice: The Fix takes place somewhere in the second half of the first season. It does a good job of capturing the characters as they were at that point in the show and It follows the very episodic nature of the show at that time.

The best way to explain the book is to say that it's a filler episode. It's not a mid-season cliffhanger or a finale. What you get is Micheal and the team taking down some bad guys in typical fashion. What you don't get is any sort of emotional or overarching plot development.

If you're a fan of Burn Notice and you want more this book is for you. If you're looking for some deeper character development or back-story this isn't it. The Fix is an enjoyable but ultimately forgettable chapter in the Micheal Weston saga.