A review by declaired
Catwoman, Vol. 6: Keeper of the Castle by Genevieve Valentine


Picked this up in pursuit of reading everything I can find that Genevieve Valentine wrote, so it's Vol 6 in a plot I know nothing about-- but that doesn't stop the story from being easy to pick up and super fun. I enjoyed the mob drama of Selena Kyle stepping in to rebuild Gotham as heir to the Calabresa family, and all of the identity fuckery
Spoiler(she KISSES the new 'Catwoman' !!!)
that superheroing and new alternate identities imply.

Other great things:
1) so many quotes from letters famous powerful ladies in history (Liz 1, Lucretia Borgia, Ching Shih's) holding shit together, that Selina ruminates on.
3) When the Calabresas are fighting to keep their name on rebuilding the city, they donate $ to the arts. The exchange is something like "can we afford these 7 figure donations?" "Can we afford not to?" I like the dig. The arts are important, and museums and cultural places make up a lot of the scenery in the comic.
4) Layers of power games, always exciting. And the art direction is good enough that I'm never lost as to who is doing what, which can be easy in a larger cast with complicated games.