A review by crookedtreehouse
Blackest Night: Rise of the Black Lanterns by Various, Peter J. Tomasi, Ryan Sook, Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka, Denys Cowan, James Robinson


During the Blackest Night event, DC did a really cool thing that outshines any editorial deicison I've seen since. They ressurected a bunch of recently cancelled titles and had the original artists and writers craft one more story, attached to Blackest Night that also gave some resolution to the characters.

It was a baller move, and while none of the titles blew me away, they were all as solid as the titles they were resurrecting.

Apart from Starman and Green Arrow, I hadn't read any of these series at the time, so I wasn't the intended audience but I thought they were all fairly easy to follow, and I absolutely loved the Green Arrow issue (Starman was ok).

Is this necessary for people reading the Blackest Night event? Not at all. Should you read it, if you weren't into DC continuity in the early 21st century? Probably not. But it's a winner of a concept, and a fun bit of continuity for those who were invested in all things DC at the time.