A review by ddrosche
The House of Impossible Beauties by Joseph Cassara


All the feels! This book is so devastatingly beautiful. A bittersweet story from beginning to end that alternately makes you smile and wrenches your heart from your chest. Despite the nearly constant sadness on every page, I couldn't put it down. Cassara does a fantastic job immersing you into this culture that you feel a part of it. Nothing is off limits and there are times when the story is so raw and true that I was in awe. He also brings to life these characters that you end up invested in, loving, and genuinely caring for. Early on I found some of the time and character jumps confusing as I tried to remember who was who and who was narrating. However, as the book progressed this became less of an issue for me as I fell into the pattern of it all. Overall I loved this book and was sad when it was over. Not only because of how it ended, but because it ended. Well done on a first novel and I am eager to see what else Joseph Cassara brings in the future!