A review by duckygal
Aliens on Earth: A Limited Edition Science Fiction Romance Collection by Mandy Melanson


Overall this collection contains a good selection to try out some new authors and genres. Being short and sweet, these stories give you a quick taste of the authors and sub-genres and if you enjoy it, you can then go and explore more or follow the series they belong to. There are so many sub-genres that you’re bound to find something that suits you, for example I love criminal elements, so I was drawn to The Alien and the Crime Boss. 
There are too many books for me to review each and every one so I’ll be reviewing a small selection individually. 

This one had me a little emotional at parts due to the portrayal off the aftermath of the loss of Alice's sister and the effect it has on her and her parents.  I really felt for Alice and how she was feeling and I just wanted to reach out and comfort her. 
I felt the pain the characters were experiencing, and this is what stood out to me the most in the author’s writing. 

This is the one I was looking forward to reading the most – I love a good mafia character. I thought this was an original concept and I was invested beginning to end. I enjoyed the story running in the background as well, not just the romance blossoming between Leilphun and Kasper, it added more depth and complexity to the story and was another point of interest in the story. It’s one of my favourites from the collection. I enjoyed experiencing Leilphun and Kasper coming together, learning each other’s mannerisms and coming into their own. I especially loved Leilphun’s character development, it was great to see him really come into his own as a warrior in his desire to defend and protect Kasper. 

This is the shortest story of the collection at only 3 chapters, but it still packs a punch. AJ and Ceol get a second chance at love, and it certainly gets steamy. For such a short contribution I was impressed by how well it had been put together. I was a little apprehensive to read it as I thought it may feel like key elements would be missing but I’m glad to say that was not the case. The characters were interesting, as was the alien anatomy. 

From the first sentence I loved this one. I was chuckling at Harker, the way she came across from the beginning made her my favourite in the entire collection. She was written so well, her personality really stood out. My only issue is that the story ended too soon, I wanted a whole lot more from Harker. Another thing I loved about her is that Harker is a plus-sized character, and I love the representation as being desirable. I know I keep singing her praises, but I love her strength in the face of abduction after a series of already emotional events. She shows no fear in ‘fighting back’ to both Zaron and Cahn. She’s hilarious and I could read her point of view all day. 

This one is sweet, it gets intense and very steamy, but it’s sweet. I wasn’t too keen on Taylor when I first started reading, I get he was hurting but my poor Robin didn’t deserve his lashing out. Robin is a very supportive brother to Taylor, and I love the loyalty and the support he shows his brother but my heart broke when I learnt how Robin viewed himself. In trying to help his brother, Robin meets Lando. I adore Robin and Lando, I really do, they’re both so sweet and supportive! I enjoy the character development in this story as Lando helps Robin see his worth and I can’t get enough.