A review by bookph1le
A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin


7/2013 - This was my second reading of this book.

As much as I love Martin's books--and boy do I love them--he does have a tendency to get long-winded, and I sometimes had serious fatigue while reading this book. There are simply some characters whose voices we really don't need to hear, such as Davos. I realize it's Martin's way of showing what's happening with the Stannis aspect, but the Davos chapters seem to really slather on the unnecessary information. I also wish Martin would have dispensed a bit with the lengthy descriptions of the banners of each and every character he happens to mention. I get it, you like heraldic devices. Move along.

Otherwise, this book is wonderful and, in some ways, the series is even more wonderful on rereads. I continue to be in awe of Martin's talent for creating such a diverse and unique cast of characters and for spinning such elaborate webs for them. It's really a feat of writing.