A review by tatyanavogt
What We Don't Talk About by Charlot Kristensen


This took me like 10 minutes to read and packed quite a punch. I think everyone should read it, and its quick pace and easy to digest message makes it super accessible to so many people. I think its a conversation starter, one that we need to have more. Something that needs to be addressed. This book made me feel many feelings. Partially because it's something i understand, something I see and experience. Something i try to ignore so that I dont look like the bad guy. Something that shouldnt be ignored.

This book talks about racism and prejudice in a quick and easy way. Something that can be digested quickly and easily and I think it is something that everyone should read because of that.

So I guess I wasn't sure what to expect with this one. I thought it was simply a romance novel but was surprised when I realized that it had a deeper message behind its simple story and simplistic approach. This graphic novel was stupidly quick to read and got straight to the point with little fluff or wasted words.

It hit close to home as it is something that I have not only seen over the years but have also experienced in different ways. So it was personally upsetting for me to read, fortunately it was quick and to the point and I appreciated that. It also helped that the art was very pretty and enjoyable to look at. I think you should read it if you haven't already.