A review by caseythecanadianlesbrarian
Nutmeg Volume 1: Early Fall: Taste Buddies by James F. Wright


Super cute comic that I picked up at Van CAF, mostly because it was described as "Betty and Veronica meets Breaking Bad with baking" and the writer for it was this adorable, endearing guy. It was really interesting to hear him talk on a panel featuring creators of colour about the difference between content created by people of colour and content featuring people of colour but done by white people and how it's more important to him personally that POC are getting the cheques. So an interesting context to go into this comic where the main characters are middle school white girls at a prep school but knowing the writer is black. Lots of food for thought.

But onto the actual comic! Lots of stuff to like here: the pastel colours that lure you into a false sense of normalcy and niceness, boarding school mean girls shenanigans, relatively evil 13 year old girl plots, some hints of interesting backstory yet to be revealed. We also know right from the beginning that things are going to go awry, which gives the story a nice sense of forboding and like, oooh, I can't wait to find out how exactly things go terribly wrong.

I would have liked to get to know the two girls who become fast friends and their enemy a bit more before diving right into the action--the plot of taking down the evil empire of brownie-baking mean girls. I also would have liked to see some more variety in the appearance of the character drawings: body type, as well as, as weird as this sounds, noses. I felt like everyone had the same nose.