A review by jocyvondoom
The Spectacular Sisterhood of Superwomen: Awesome Female Characters from Comic Book History by Hope Nicholson


This book taught me a lot of things about the comics world I had no idea existed... it introduced me to oldies but goodies and current comics that aren't very well known. While this book gives the reader a brief description of the female character, it also sheds a light on the circumstances of its time. This basically meant why it flopped or why it shined, which was sometimes not because of the story itself, but rather the comics market. The reason the book is not 5 stars is because some characters that are highlighted aren't exactly awesome... several characters were pretty terrible and there are others that could have been highlighted instead. Also, too many Riverdale references.

Nonetheless this is a good book to flip-through, it's divided by decades so should you can jump in at any time. Another addition I found cool is that at the end she gives some recommended reads, which are usually where you can find reprints or just to encourage you to take a look around your local comic shop to find some in their original print.