A review by krysreads
After Life Lessons: Book One by L.C. Spoering, Laila Blake


Via Black 'n Write Review
My final thoughts:
I wasn’t sure what to anticipate after reading After Life Lessons, but it certainly didn’t include what I finished reading today. Please let me explain:

This book is very post-Apocalyptic slash zombies, and the commencement is on a cold last leg of winter storm. Originally the main characters were Emily and her toddler-age son, Song. They were trudging through this storm on an abandoned road trying to find shelter. Later on these two are found by a ex-military paramedic, Aaron, who falls in love with Emily and the story starts being about this couple and the inner demons their both fighting. Aaron has some serious baggage even Emily couldn’t combat with. Seriously, it sounds like it would be mushy and lovey dovey, it is, but it has zombies in it! Which makes the story sound all the more exciting. Although I was somewhat put-off by the language (P.S. NOT acceptable for kids/teens) the story transitioned from very serious situation to the constant tos and fros of the characters of “eff” this, “eff” that, and “eff” yous – I just wasn’t expecting the language, you get used to it after a while lol

This is a very interesting read, I was happy that the author took the time to contact me even if the genre was a little out of my general league, and I would recommend this book to anybody who’s into zombies and love stories… not zombie-love stories.. that’s just gross and I just had a mental image that I need to go douse my brain with kerosene.
- Krys